Public debate: Will the EU protect Europe from fossil fuel lock in? The case of gas andthe TEN-E

Online event organised by the Fossil Free Politics campaign on 25/11/2020

2020 is a turning point in the EU’s climate policy. Many elements of the European Green Deal have been unfolding since the beginning of this year.

Next on the list is the revision of the EU’s gas infrastructure regulation, the TEN-E. The EU Commission will publish its proposal on 9 December. This revision will have a major impact on the nature of our energy system, and on the achievement of the objectives of the European Green Deal.

While policy-makers declared their intention to align the EU’s economy with the Paris agreement, some serious doubts remain about the role given to certain bodies linked to the fossil fuel industry in those policies’ developments such as the revision of the TEN-E regulation.

How is policy-making structured and how does it ensure its independence from private interests? This debate will try to answer a guiding question: how do we make sure that climate legislations, such as the revision of the EU’s energy infrastructure regulation, do not privilege  private interests diverting from effective climate action?

In this context, Friends of the Earth Europe, Corporate Europe Observatory, Greenpeace and Food and Water Europe hosted a public debate questioning how the EU will protect Europe from fossil fuel lock in, with a focus on the case of gas and the Ten-E regulation.

CHAIRED by Jennifer Baker, independent journalist and ‘Brussels Geek’


  • Eilidh Robb, UK Youth Climate Coalition
  • Marie Toussaint, MEP (Greens/EFA)
  • Wes Himes, Society of European Affairs Professionals, president
  • Frida Kieninger, Food and Water Action Europe – on behalf of the Fossil Free Politics campaign

This debate is organised by the Fossil-Free Politics campaign.


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