Join our call for #PeopleOverPolluters

7 in 10 Europeans are struggling and 1 in 10 are skipping meals this winter. At the same time fossil fuel companies have already announced over €180 billion in profit

last year.

Let those numbers sink in.

Whilst hundreds of millions of us are on the brink of energy poverty, the culprits of this crisis are making a killing at our expense. We have been left in the dark by EU inaction: paying the price for a failed, outdated, fossil fuelled energy system.

But as bills rise, so do we. People across Europe have been coming together to say enough is enough.

It’s time to put people’s need over corporate greed.

This is why, on the 27th and 28th of February, we’re organising a 2 days event to stand in solidarity and demand EU decision makers listen and act on the solutions from trade unions, anti-poverty networks and climate groups on the frontlines of the energy crisis. Good news is? You can join our call for #PeopleOverPolluters online and in person!

Key moments are:

1. Handover of ours and WeMove Europe “Kick the Fossil Fuel Industry out of Politics” public petition– with over 100,000 signatures!

Action/photo op PUBLIC

Location: In front of the European Parliament on the Place du Luxembourg side

When? 27/02 4:00-4:30pm (look for

2. People Over Polluters political launch ConferencePUBLIC

*Important* Please register here

A call to action from Members of Parliament for EU decision makers to put need before fossil fuel corporate greed. They stand in solidarity to amplify the

solutions of civil society groups. In partnership with Marie Toussaint (Greens, FR), Marisa Matias (Left, PT) and Mohammad Chahim (Socialist & Democrats, NL)

Location: European Parliament, Room 7C50

When? 27/02 5:00 – 7:00pm (Please arrive 30 minutes early for security)

3. Hearing of our “Let’s hold the fossil fuel industry accountable” petition in the Peti Committee of the European Parliament

Location: Online here

When? 28/02 4:15 – 5:00pm

If you can’t join us in Brussels, you can support the call to end fossil fuel influence online! Here is a social media kit with template tweets and visuals to spread the #PeopleOverPolluters message!